What We Do
Pre-release Preparation
We will strive to equip individuals with the necessary skills, knowledge and resources to make a successful transition from incarceration to society. Through comprehensive pre-release programs we will provide educational, vocational and life skills training, as well as counselling and mentoring services to empower individuals to reintegrate effectively and with confidence.
Holistic Reintegration Support
We will offer a range of pre and post-release support services tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual. Our comprehensive approach encompasses access to education, housing, employment opportunities, healthcare, mental health services, NDIS, and family reunification assistance. By addressing these critical areas, we aim to facilitate a smooth and sustainable transition from prison to a supported community environment reducing the likelihood of relapse into the criminal justice system.
Community Engagement & Advocacy
We are dedicated to promoting social understanding, empathy, and acceptance of individuals with criminal records. Through community outreach initiatives, awareness campaigns, and educational programs, we work to reduce the stigma associated with survivors re-entry into the community by building and fostering a supportive environment in partnership with businesses, government and non-government support services to encourage successful reintegration. We also advocate for policy reforms that promote fair and equitable opportunities for individuals with criminal histories both inside and outside of the prison system.
Collaborative Partnerships
We actively collaborate with government agencies, community organisations, businesses, educational institutions, and other compassionate stakeholders to create a network of support for individuals reintegrating into society. By forging these partnerships, we create a community of support, maximising our impact by creating a more comprehensive and coordinated response to the complex challenges faced by those reentering society.